A review by inthelunaseas
The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky


I was a little confused when I finished this, but after I'd put it down and thought about it overnight, I finally came up with an opinion.

It's nice. The storyline is a little higgilty-piggilty, and honestly, there are still parts of it where I'm thinking, 'okay, what happened and how does this relate?'

There is a review on here that I feel sums up what I felt was wrong with the novel. This is the one, if you care to read. I don't agree with all of it, but it does talk about what I felt was missing and problematic with the comic.

What I thought stood out was the artwork. Some people on here have said that it wasn't that great, and it can detract from the story, but I felt this is what stood out. I like painted comics best, and I like sketchy art, both of which The Fountain had. I also think it works best for the future scenes.

I haven't seen the movie (which Peter will be annoyed about, because he kept telling me to watch the movie before reading the book... sorry!) so I can't compare, but I'll be watching it after I've mulled over the story a little more.