A review by karlyo83
Fearless by M.W. Craven


My Rating: 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for entertainment factor and the writing… I love this author!!!

GoodReads Synopsis
Ben Koenig is nobody’s hero… because he doesn’t exist. Six years back Ben headed up the US Marshal’s Special Ops Group. They were the unit who hunted the bad guys. The really bad guys. They did this so no one else had to. And then one day Ben sold his house, liquidated his assets and disappeared off the face of the earth. He told no one why he left no forwarding address.

For six years he became a grey man. Someone you didn’t remember. He drifted from town to town, state to state, never visiting the same place twice. He was untraceable - officially, he no longer existed. But now his face is plastered across every television screen in the country. Someone from Ben’s past has gone to extraordinary lengths to find him. They have a job for him, a revenge mission, one Ben won’t be able to refuse. Because in the hellish heat of the Chihauhuan desert lies a town called Gauntlet. Some people in Guantlet have a secret and they’ll do anything to protect it.

An they know Ben is coming. They’ve killed before and they will kill again. It’s easy to dismiss Ben Koenig as just another drifter, someone you don’t need to concern yourself with. But that would be a mistake. Because Ben has a condition, a unique disorder that means he’s incapable of experiencing fear. And that makes Ben Koenig a different kind of animal…

Ok, up front, this is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. I wasn’t entirely sure it would be mine, but I love this author and I love the Washington Poe series so I said to hell with it I am reading it no matter what. Also after that last book… anything had to be better.

This is an ACTION book… it is also by the authors own admission a personal project. Something he didn’t expect to see the light of day. He was working on something wildly different and over the top to help pass time and get away from his usual books and the landscape of Britain. This one is set in America. There are many many references to all types of Army, Special Forces and types of fighting… so Craven has done his research. HOWEVER… having said that this is a book about a dude, that feels no fear, who fights to the death and basically doesn’t give a rats ass about going in and being a hardass… that is just not going to be for everyone.

There is a Russian Mob, there is literally all types of guns, ammo and explosives, there is far fetched shit going on all over the place… BUT if you know that going in… and you love this author and you don’t mind the OTT then dive in. It was a wild, fun and comical ride.

Craven’s usual humour shines though in this one and I really appreciated it. It never ever took itself too seriously and that is what made it less John Wick and more Die Hard (which by the way is my favourite Christmas movie of all time… and if you want to fight me about it then go for it I will never waiver