A review by lizabethstucker
The Scargill Cove Case Files by Jayne Ann Krentz


If you can get this book for free, it might be worthwhile, but don't pay for it. This is the printed version of a Twitter mystery called "Death in a Bookstore", a small case that occurs just before In Too Deep. Fallon Jones is asked by the new bookstore owner, Fitch, to investigate what happened in his store before he bought it. Once the former owner is discovered in the basement, Fallon begins pulling together the threads of the mystery, stumbling across another possible conspiracy.

The rest of the book, a mere 41 digital pages, is one big advertisement containing previews of upcoming books. Basically, look at this as a sampler with a bonus short story.

Twitter really didn't serve Krentz well, constraining her talent for description and emotion. I had read some of the tweets as they were originally posted, but found it difficult to get into the mystery, even though I know the characters involved. 3 out of 5.