A review by sarareadsxxx13
Proof of Forever by Lexa Hillyer


So let me start differently. I liked this book, I really did and without one thing it could have been 4 stars instead of 2.

I am sick of it. You read a light summer read and it turns into a cancer book during the end. You had no idea and as a person who tries to avoid cancer books this is not okay when it surprises you. Nowadays it feels like authors feel the need to put someone suffering from cancer or dying from cancer or whatever into their books. To make it more exciting or tragic or not as boring, i don't know. But it is unnecessary and I am not only talking about this book. It happens in a lot of contemporary books, but it's not even hinted at in the synopsis. It doesn't even only happen in contemporary, it also happens in [b:The Lost Prince|12614410|The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey Call of the Forgotten, #1)|Julie Kagawa|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335463790s/12614410.jpg|17632083] for example, a fantasy book where you would never expect this.

Dear Authors, YOU DO NOT NEED CANCER IN A BOOK TO MAKE IT INTERESTING! I know cancer happens in real life and it is hard enough already, I don't have to read about it. If you wanna kill characters, kill them but skip the cancer story, it seems desperate and IT IS NOT NECESSARY!

And please if some book contains a cancer story and it isn't obvious from the plot or synopsis, PLEASE MARK THESE BOOKS!

I suffer from hypochondriasis, which means i get anxious and afraid when talking, hearing, reading about diseases because I get afraid I will get them (I know it is kinda normal but in my case it isn't), cancer is the worst of all and so books with cancer trigger something and it could end in a panic attack for me. THAT'S WHY I AVOID CANCER BOOKS! And it is not fair if you have no idea that it will happen because you aren't warned.

The story was amazing and i love summer stories but it ruined the whole book for me that Joy died from cancer and suffered through the last half of the book. This is not okay.