A review by anikoliab
13 Gifts by Wendy Mass


This was a cute story. It certainly wasn't the next Shakespeare, but it was a nice tween story, and especially memorable for me, since it was given to me for my 13th birthday.

The story focuses on Tara, who apparently lacks self-confidence of every kind, and has no friends, even though she's a nice girl. This is the only part of the book I find unrealistic (well, besides the magic part.) There are girls like Tara at my school, and trust me, they have friends.

She also repeatedly gets called by the name Sara, even though "T" and "S" sounds sound nothing alike.

I did read the other two books in the series, [b:11 Birthdays|4835838|11 Birthdays (11 Birthdays, #1)|Wendy Mass|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1328840465s/4835838.jpg|4901046]and [b:Finally|6696465|Finally (11 Birthdays, #2)|Wendy Mass|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1328840468s/6696465.jpg|6892105], both by [a:Wendy Mass|99650|Wendy Mass|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1235153849p2/99650.jpg]. She is very good at understanding tweens, so, if her writing sounds sort-of childish, and sort-of grown up, that's because it's meant to be.

After attempting to steal her middle school principal's goat (what?!), Tara accidentally spritzes him in the eyes with pepper spray and gets suspended.

So, instead of going with her parents to Africa to study mating habits (oh, joy!), she gets stuck in boring old Willow Falls. I would personally, probably rather go to Willow Falls.

She ends up meeting a strange old lady named Angelina, and having to find some random objects for her...hmm...mysterious...
Spoiler I really did think the bit with Tara's parents and the love potion was cute, and the play....well, I loved it! But I was kind of disappointed Emily turned down the audition.

I love how the old characters come back every book. It's so cute...I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book....my guess for the name is....
Fourteen Wishes

Who knows...maybe I'll be right? Can't wait to see what happens with Leo and Amanda!