A review by theladydoor
Death Before Wicket: A Phryne Fisher Mystery by Kerry Greenwood


I've been loving the Phryne Fisher mystery series, but this one left me a little disappointed. For one, the story takes Phryne away from Melbourne and all of her delightful family and companions except for Dot. The lack of those fun characters really took something away from this book. It was interesting to read about her going to Sydney, but I'm sure it would have been even better had I known a bit more about the city. Also I hated every dull passage about cricket, which is a completely incomprehensible sport to me. I'm sure Greenwood knew what she was talking about, but I did not enjoy reading about it.

As for the mystery, it was a bit of a mess. There were just too many side plots and red herrings and strange motives. I kept getting the university students and professors mixed up, and Greenwood didn't do an amazing job of keeping everyone distinctive. I would much have preferred if she had focused on the search for Dot's sister. Instead, there was some bizarre foray into the world of mysticism and possession. I really wasn't a fan of the strange Isis worship.

I'll keep going with the Phryne series, but I'll definitely say this one wasn't my favorite.