A review by dani_reviews
A New Orleans Threesome by Louisa Bacio


Rating: 1.5 stars

This was an interesting idea, but the execution was confusing and stilted. Events were only barely strung together, with minimal development of plot and characters. The whole “can’t have sex” thing was awkwardly explained, and it felt like there were jumps in the relationships and communication between Lily and the two men. In fact, the plot and dialogue resembled Swiss cheese, with holes everywhere that left me more bewildered than engaged.

Sex played a very big part in this book, and the focus was more on the male couple who were already in a relationship before Lily turned up. Theoretically, it was all very yummy, with some voyeurism on Lily’s part. But unfortunately, instead of being sexy, everything felt mechanical, like a step-by-step guide to sex – gay and menage. (Also, when Lily FINALLY has sex towards the end, she comes straight away and there's no pain or anything...yeah...sure...) The slapdash plot could have been forgiven a bit if the chemistry and steaminess had been stellar, but neither worked for me.

All told, for all the flesh exposed in this book, it could have all been fleshed out a bit more.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.