A review by jregensb
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality by Scott Belsky


Entrepreneur and Behance founder Scott Belsky offers his take on bringing ideas to fruition. Eschewing the step by step productivity systems popularized by Steven Covey and David Allen, Belsky offers a more holistic approach. He suggests that ideas become reality when we're able to focus organization and execution together with communal forces and leadership.

The result is a book that's heavily reliant on anecdotes, stories, and sometimes contradictory messages. Sprinkled throughout are the now-obligatory references to Zappos, Google, IDEO, and the author's own projects. It occurred to me as I was reading this book that if Zappos didn't exist we'd probably have to invent it, if only to provide something for business writers to write about.

RIYL Seth Godin, PSFK, Rework, The Progress Principle, Stories about successful people being successful.