A review by mamaflom
A Letter in the Wall by Eileen Brill



 The concept of this book is very intriguing. Eileen Brill found a letter in her wall and proceeded to research to find out who Joan was, what led to the letter she found, and what her life was like.

Although Ms. Brill was unable to find out many details about Joan, she created a fictional story about what could have been based on the small details she was able to unearth.

I felt that the story was intriguing, but was distracted by many errors in regards to the timing of the story. These were minor (such as going to an IHOP before IHOP was founded, using 'jerk' as a description before it's time and so forth), but I did find myself questioning items going forward and looking things up for validity while reading.

The characters are interesting, but at times descriptions or details feel pushed in order to make a point.

I did feel for Joan and her family, so the author did her job in pulling me into the story.

I'd like to thank NetGalley for a copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review.
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