A review by momwithareadingproblem
Broken Things to Mend by Karey White


I received an eARC of this book from I Am a Reader in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Broken Things to Mend
by Karey White is a sweet, heart-breaking story about a young woman on the run who finds a home in a small town in Oregon. This is the first book in a standalone series called Power of the Matchmaker. The only character that is the same throughout the books is the Matchmaker and I’m really excited and intrigued to see how that plays out!

Celia is a beautifully written character that the author gives strength, faith, and hope. An orphan who bounced from foster home to foster home, Celia has zero self-confidence and no sense of self-worth. She believes that everything that has happened to her was supposed to happen. She doesn’t believe she deserves better. Then despite the horrific circumstances that land her in the small town of Sisters, Celia keeps her head up, she works hard, and she gives no one a reason to doubt her sincerity. However she also keeps a big secret, one that eats at her, gives her nightmares, and breaks her. Celia is broken when she arrives in Sisters yet somehow the kindness of strangers mends her and it is truly a beautiful journey to read!

Silas is just :::swoon::: He’s amazing! Like Celia, he’s an orphan, but he had his aunt who took him in. The accident that killed his parents left Silas shaken and broken, though he’s come a lot farther than Celia in mending himself. He believes that everyone he loves leaves and there is no reason for him to find a special someone. Truly Silas is just as heart-breaking as Celia.

The beauty of this book is the way in which Karey White conveys the feelings of the characters, their growth, and their relationships through the characters’ own POVs. It was so easy to lose myself in their story, cry for them, laugh with them, and be scared for them. That is a feat not many authors achieve, but White does it masterfully!

Overall I really enjoyed this book. Celia and Silas are two characters that you will root for and want to know more with every turn of the page. If you enjoy clean contemporary romance, I highly suggest you check out this book!