A review by loverofromance
The Earl's Complete Surrender by Sophie Barnes


There were so many things that I found so fun about this story, and oh my….probably Sophie’s best work yet!! It starts off with our hero and heroine meeting at Thorncliff Manor. A well-known and beautiful stone manner and estate, that is full of history and is a place for the gentry to stay for a time. James, the Earl of Woodford has come to the manor, in looking for a special book, a book full of names of a order that murdered his parents and are traitors and may be out to kill the King. He must find this book and and get justice for the horrid crimes this order has committed. Chloe Heartley, is a widow and after her experience as a wife, she will never enter into that kind of arrangement again. When she loved and was betrayed in the worst way. But she has her own reasons for finding the names of the order as well. James and Chloe start working together to find it and get it to the King.
There were many fun aspects of The Earl’s Complete Surrender, but what I wasn’t expecting to find was the level of danger and excitement that fills these pages with espionage….spies and a secret order of traitors and murderers and plenty of spicy romance that leaves you wanting more from James and Chloe. James and Chloe both are against commitment and marriage….but they have special magnetic between them and want to take what they can from each other….desire, friendship and affection even if its for a short while.
Unable to resist, he pushed her back, pressing her against the hard wall of the tower as he deepened the kiss while the scent of her–chamomile and lemons–assaulted his senses. She murmured something, her lips parting as she did so, and he took advantage, dipping his tongue inside to sample her warmth. She was exquisite–sweet like nectar. And her body…it was slim and delicate, but ever so soft against his own firmness, offering him the comfort that he so dearly craves.
The romance between these two was so tender and poignant at times. Both James and Chloe have issues with trust, and certain misunderstandings occur, but I really admired seeing these two fight through their misunderstanding and reach their happy ending. They fight together against their enemies and boy are they powerful together.
Lord Woodford had awoken something inside her–a yearning she hadn’t felt in years, not just to be held…touched…kissed by a man who wanted her in return, but to be appreciated for the woman that she was—to be admired.
Great fortitude and love shines through these pages and I am so excited to see what Sophie Barnes comes up with next. A powerful romance of gritty emotions….sensuality and finding redemption and healing through love.