A review by inwonderland49
Girl Last Seen by Heather Anastasiu, Anne Greenwood Brown


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed this book. It was told in multiple viewpoints not to mention it was also told with evidence logs. I thought it was a really interesting way to go with this story and I really appreciated that. Even though it took me a bit to get into the story at the beginning (either it was just a slow beginning or it was because I was kind of in a reading slump) the writing flowed well and it kept me entertained and drawn to the story up until the end.

The main plot/storyline within this novel is that Kadence Mulligan is missing. And at first you love the girl and then you read the stories of what she has done and honestly, I think Kadence deserved what she got. She was just not a good person at all. She had fooled a lot of people for sure, but she was definitely not a good person. At the beginning there is only a couple of suspects and then the list gets bigger, because of how awful Kadence was.

I was able to figure out the ending, but I still enjoyed reading it and seeing how it all turned out. There is one twist that surprised me, and I am happy for that. And I thought it was a very enjoyable read and probably wouldn't mind rereading at some point. I think that if you're into mysteries, thrillers, or suspenseful novels, you should give this one a try because even though there were times that it dragged, once you got towards the ending, the story and the suspense just gripped you tightly! I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

About the Authors

Heather Anastasiu is the author of the young adult sci-fi GLITCH trilogy as well as the historical adult duet Tsura and House of Stone. She grew up in Texas but recently moved to Minnesota with her family. She teaches creative writing at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis.
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anne brownAnne Greenwood Brown lives in Minnesota with her patient husband and three hilarious children. She is the author of the LIES BENEATH trilogy, and has her first New Adult book coming under the name A.S. Green from Entangled/Embrace, summer 2016.
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