A review by yche09
Tomorrow Land by Mari Mancusi


This could've been a really good zombie/dystopian novel.. if only everything didn't happen so annoyingly fast.

SpoilerThe plot was really good. Zombies and robotics (nanos), I was so interested in this. At first, the interaction between the two main characters is so cute that i was set to liking this. But then, things started happening so fast. One minute, there are zombies and then they're gone and then oh, Chase is addicted! And then he's not addicted anymore but he goes off and gets bitten and so began the i'll-ignore-you-for-your-own-good-because-i-think-i'm-gonna-be-a-zombie-too tactic. Then they find the hive (yes, like in Resident Evil), but they still have to go to Disney World!! ugh. Anywayyy.. it all went downhill for me from thereon. The moment Peyton met her dad, ugh! i just felt very disappointed because it was so very anticlimactic! The ending may have had a good closure, but i still felt like the novel just passed me by..

I guess it's safe to say that I liked Tomorrow Land for the first maybe 3-4 chapters. I really really wanted to like it.. But then, it all happened so fast that lots of scenes and lines fell flat.