A review by thepyrreview
Drápa: A Reykjavík Murder Mystery by Gerður Kristný


Drápa is an epic poem of a murder in Reykjavik in the 1980s from the perspective of the devil. The introduction of the book is an analysis of the poem and gave much more insight than I would have been able to reveal on my own while reading the poem. While the devil is the narrator, it is clear his sympathies lie with Greta, the victim. The boxer, her murderer, exists in the subtext and his eventual murder is the only part of the poem that focuses on him. This is a beautiful memorial to Greta Birgisdottir.

Before leaving for a recent trip to Reykjavik, I looked up newly released books and this caught my attention (the edition translated by Rory McTurk had been released in early 2018). Once in Reykjavik, I asked the bookstore clerk where to find it and she handed me this book as well as Bloodhoof, which she told me to read first. I bought both on the spot. I'm definitely interested in reading more from Gerður Kristný, would love to read more translated by Rory McTurk.