A review by bookish_intentions
This Is Not a Ghost Story by Andrea Portes


*Daffodil takes a summer job House sitting before starting college to help pay for it. Shouldn’t be too bad right, just live in this big ol mansion by yourself and actually paid (a lot) to do it? I mean come on, who would turn that down? Pretty soon though things start feeling a bit weird and she’s unsure if she should have even taken the job. Pretty soon things start happening that she convinces herself she’s imagining because she needs the money.*

This is an okay little story. At some point this story becomes a bit dull though. Yes, some spooky/odd things happen but VERY sporadically. I kept reading to see what happens bc I’m dying for a spooky/scary, keep me up all night kind of book. This isn’t that though. The end did surprise me a bit though.