A review by akayeh
The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan


As the second installment in the Kane Chronicles, Rick Riordan takes you on another whirlwind adventure following the adventures of Sadie and Carter Kane. It's Egyptian Mythology meets the 21st century! You don't have to know anything about Egyptian Mythology going into it (though if you do, you'll get a kick out of the characters when you recognize them!) nor do you need to know anything about world geography either. However, you'll be introduced to a little of both in a nice lighthearted way. From a sun god who went into retirement and doesn't want to be reawakened to the divided crowd of gods who either do or don't want Ra to be reawakened, the action never stops. If you remember when they blew up the Egyptian wing of the British Museum in the [bc:The Red Pyramid|7090447|The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)|Rick Riordan|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1263608940s/7090447.jpg|7346572][b:The Red Pyramid|7090447|The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)|Rick Riordan|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1263608940s/7090447.jpg|7346572] (or maybe missed it and want to catch that action too!) then you won't want to wait for all the problems that ensue after they blow up the Brooklyn Museum! Yeah, trouble just seems to follow the Kane family...