A review by shanayaareads
Scars by Dana Isaly


I started reading this because it was a reverse harem and I like those. But I did not love this.

This book had the potential to be such a great book, but the execution was very poor, in my opinion. It left a lot to be desired.

Scarlet was a poorly developed character. She was uninteresting. If there's one thing I dislike in these kinds of novels, It's when an author tries to make their heroine "quirky" and "different". It doesn't translate as well as they think it does. In this case, it was cringey and try hard.

The dialogue was choppy and at some point childish? There's a way that I've come to expect "criminals" in a book to talk and this was just not it. There's no way in hell these guys could be half of who they claim to be with dialogue and inner monologue that sounds like it was written by a fourteen year old on Wattpad. (And that's insulting to Wattpad writers)

Sebastian, who is the "teddy bear" of the group reminded me a lot of Diesel from Den of Vipers, and not in a good way. The author and the characters tried to build him up to be the "resident psycho" of the group but there was nothing particularly terrifying about him. In fact, almost everything that he said that was supposed to be scary, was comical.

The same can be said of Tristan. There wasn't any actual edge to any of these guys.

Elliot is probably the best character and that's simply because he hardly says much, so there was less chances of me cringing at something that had been said?

The smut was really the saving grace here and even then, it wasn't anything new or spectacular. Just enough to get me across the finish line. Still, it took me like three days to read what should have been read in a day or less.

I'm not sure that I'll continue this series.