A review by rebcamuse
Blink by K.L. Slater


This is a great beach-read mystery/thriller. About three-quarters of the way in I felt that I must have figured it out, and I was a bit irritated because the protagonist (Toni) hadn't yet clued in. Then one major plot twist sets the world spinning and things move very quickly from there. That's a bit frustrating if you like more subtlety and a slow roll out of revelations, but the roller-coaster ride of the last quarter of the book is worth it. It is also the best kind of plot twist--the facepalm plot twist. The drawbacks have some spoilers, so don't keep reading if you don't wish to! I have referred to characters by the initial of their first name, so that nothing pops out at you if your eyes drift there. Overall it was an entertaining read and the performance by Lucy Price-Lewis is excellent (although I found the voicing of little girl Evie to be quite cloying at times).


What the heck happened to B? Was she just a plot device and diversion? If so, that was fairly obvious. It was disappointing to have so much investment in her character and then have her not really be involved at all.
The "Three Years Earlier" titles of the chapters were confusing and a bit annoying in the audiobook. Only necessary if the preceding chapter was the present day or a different character's perspective.
I might be wrong here (harder to confirm with an audiobook), but it seems there is a continuity issue--why would H be expecting T to pick E from school that day? She didn't know that T's mom was in the hospital. Unless I missed some definitive decision to have T do the pickups (I remember them discussing it)...quite possible.