A review by jjcrafts
The Amber Isle by Ashley Capes


Never, a thief and all-round scoundrel, has stolen a map to a magical isle that he thinks will have the answer to the curse he's been living with. Cue monstrous mermaids and deadly mazes.

I normally love characters like this which is why I was so excited to pick this novella up. Unfortunately this suffered from the common issue I find in some novellas. Nothing was really developed much and there wasn't enough time spent on any events or characters, including Never himself, which left me feeling disappointed. I felt like the story only ever skimmed the surface and could have gone much deeper. But maybe I went in expecting too much as this really did sound perfect to me. It was still an exciting adventure with clever traps and a creepy magical feel. It's also the first in a series so I'm sure things get developed further but I didn't feel connected to the character enough to want to carry on.