A review by lilyelement
Secrets of the Demon by Diana Rowland


Secrets of the Demon is book three in the Kara Gillian series. I love the idea behind this series, but seem to have a few issues with the execution. Our leading lady, Kara Gillian is a police detective that is able to summon demons. While pretty new to the homicide department, she's assigned the big cases and seems to figure it out with the help of demons and friends just in the knick of time.

We start off the book with Kara Gillian and the FBI team she's working with on arcane cases. They're undercover due to threats of a demon attacking the lead singer in a band. They didn't really expect anything to happen but when Kara feels the arcane power blow through the club, she knows she has to act quickly. While they were able to save the singer, the being that attacked her got away. And when mysterious deaths start piling up, all signs point towards the malevolent being that got away. Kara and the gang have to figure out who is causing the murders before they all wind up dead.

I've had a bit of mixed feelings on the series so far and am wondering if I should continue at this point. Both this book and book one were only okay reads for me while book two was really good. I think I'll try one more and decide if I should stop or not. While I like Kara's character, I find it slightly grating while she's interacting with her police department. Another thing I'm kind of dreading in later books is that we're leading up to a love triangle. It's between the FBI agent friend and the Demon Lord, I'm not sure who to root for especially with the information that got dropped in this installment. All in all, I'm feeling slightly shaken on the series and will probably check if the library has the next installment.