A review by jennahehemann
Little Voices: How Kids in Spirit Helped a Reluctant Medium Escape and Heal from Abuse by Kiersten Parsons Hathcock


I did not like this book, even though I thought I would. I love listening to memoirs, and I thought this topic would be fascinating, but something in the storytelling just did not resonate with me. The first half focused more on her background and the introduction into her mediumship, which I found enthralling. But I just did not enjoy the subject matter or the storytelling of the second half, which I’ve never experienced when reading a memoir. Usually, I’m of the mind that you can’t judge someone’s life, but I’ll admit, I was judging hardcore, and it made me not enjoy the book. It might be because I was reading another book at the same time that also dealt with tough topics. But I also didn’t like the author’s writing style. It seemed like she was telling the story chronologically, but then she’d share something that had been happening the whole time, so it got confusing and hard to keep the timeline straight.

I gave two stars instead of one because I did enjoy parts of this book, and I would love to hear more about the police cases she’s worked on. But this book was just not it for me.