A review by novelesque_life
A Highlander Walks into a Bar by Laura Trentham


2019; St. Martin's Paperbacks/St. Martin's Press

This was a cute story of a woman meeting a man in Scotland while she is on vacation, brings him home to America, and her daughter is suspicious of his intentions. A boy comes from London to America to check out his uncle's new love interest's intentions. While the woman and man flirt their butts off, the boy and girl try to uncover why these two are even together...and oh, there are big sparks between the boy and girl...so now what?

Unfortunately, I did not feel those sparks between any of them. They were cute together but I wasn't feeling the chemistry. I was reading for the sake of reading, not because I was connected with the characters or story. I am a bit picky with romances so this could just be me.

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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