A review by caslater83
Friend Request by Laura Marshall


I don't know about you, but I think I'd be creeped out if someone from the grave sent me a friend request! That whole "scenario" stays with you for quite a bit, doesn't it? It leaves you reminiscing the good, the bad, and the ugly. And boy, does the past get ugly. Racked with regret and guilt and full of questions about "what if."

People change over time. They either get better or they get worse, but they never truly stay the same. That's why high school reunions can either be great or terrible.

Laura Marshall did a great job writing this debut. She was able to keep the insights of 1989 at a teenage viewpoint and flip back to 2016 as an adult without difficulty. That's not easy to do. When I was reading the 2016 chapters, I didn't always view Louise as this middle-aged woman. She still felt "young" to me, but maybe it's because she's never really allowed herself to move on from the past.

Warning: I had difficulty getting into the book, but I kept plodding on. By the time I was at the half-way mark, I felt that Laura Marshall had built up the stakes enough to keep going and I WANTED to know how this would go down! If you feel unsure, try to make it through to the half-way point in case you change your mind. I really feel that it gets better as the story moves on. Enjoy this read!