A review by pn_hinton
The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan


I am really never disappointed with Riordan's stories and this was no different. It pretty much picked up where the last book left off, with enough time passing for Magnus to get more comfortable in his new role. I also like how awkward Magnus is and how very self aware of it he is. I know that neither Percy or Carter were one would call smooth but they did have somewhat of a level of confidence to them that Magnus is still working on. And Apollo, well he is learning to be humble which is not necessarily a bad thing.

One thing I am really enjoying about this series is the level of inclusion it has for different religons and identies. While Alex isn't what I would call my favorite character, I appreciated the inclusion of them because it just shows that YA as a whole is changing and Riordan is able to go with the flow on that and work it seamlessly in to where it doesn't read hokey (at least to me). And seeing Norse gods with different personalities than traditionally assigned to them was hilarious. Thor alone is worth the read although Heimdall was interesting as well.

Overall worth the read especially if you are really into Norse mythology and I am looking forward to the third one once I finish few others that are on my pile.

It ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger but nothing too terrible.