A review by junghoseok
Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

I thought this was an interesting, helpful book and I liked how the author went into the science of rest vs work and how rest is essential for creativity, and that rest is more than what people think of as idleness. However, there were a lot of science-y examples and statistics, which is good for backing up your argument I guess. I'd also like to know what he would suggest for people who can't get up early enough for a four-hour writing session before work at 9 (get up at 4am? No thanks, and it doesn't align with his importance of sleep chapter), or can't take an hour and a half nap after lunch (again, because they have to work), or can't take a Sabbatical for six months (or even a week because not all of us are Bill Gates and have a private cabin on an island only accessible by plane, like really?), or don't have the freedom to choose a life of working 5 hours in the morning and then dedicating the day to rest and other duties because they have to work a full-time job for an employer in order to pay the bills.
I guess we just have to do our best and hope it's enough for a restful, creative life.