A review by paragraphsandpages
Twistwood Tales, by A. C. Macdonald


I picked this up as a quick read last night, and I honestly ended up loving this so much! I didn't quite know what to expect going in, because I hadn't heard of the existing webcomic before receiving this advanced copy from Netgalley, but the art drew my eye and I wanted to give it a shot! I'm really glad I did, and I'll definitely be looking into the webcomic or keeping an eye out for future volumes!

This book felt like a perfect balance of adorable woodland creatures and heartwarming stories, with a bunch of humor and a light touch of spookyness thrown in. It took me a second to get into it, since at first there are a lot of individual little stories (about 1 page each), which meant we jumped around between a lot of new characters at first. However, once we started seeing the same characters again and again, and how their stories started to overlap, I was so engrossed in it. I loved so many of these little guys (Bucket Boy! The Robber Duckies!!!), and seeing them come back time and time again in these little tales was adorable. I also really liked that this volume ended on a longer story that really brought together some loose stories, and it was just a perfect note to end it on. I also just loved the art style so much, and I really can't wait to read more of these tales (if there are more!)