A review by nathanaracena
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray


Didn’t bother finishing. Got halfway through and gave up. Racist, contrite drivel. Thought by reading this I might see some well constructed arguments in favour of Brexit - the better to know thy enemy with and all that - but instead hit a wall of blatant racism hidden behind well spoken English. I was, lo and behold, aghast to find the author is a white, private school educated, middle aged, man!? Who better to discuss inequality then him huh? White men particularly do have it so hard when these bloody immigrants come over here, steal their jobs and dilute the white populous. Must suck that the taxes they don’t pay go to providing health care to people not from here.

The fears of an “unwhite” Britain, that’s more immigrant than not, make me piss myself with laughter. I welcome it. Nice to see another culture “invade” Britain for a change. Sadly, books like this only spur on hate and racism in modern day Britain (and elsewhere) and all I can say is I’m glad I got given this book and didn’t actually spend money on it. It went in the bin anyways because it doesn’t deserve to sew misinformation to some uninformed, EDL raving, Sun-reader anyways.