A review by za_
Profit First: A Simple System To Transform Any Business From A Cash-Eating Monster To A Money-Making Machine, by Mike Michalowicz


Profit First is the Dave Ramsey version of the business. It's really a basic budgeting book. The premise is most business owners don't run based on budgets. Mike has worked with many businesses to implement these budgets (although he doesn't call them that in the book, smart marketing) I think it's a good rule of thumb, but much like DR. It's not really a one-size fits all model, but to preach it to the masses you must simplify. Otherwise, your message gets jumbled.

How to Determine Whether You Can Afford a New Employee:
There is a really simple formula for determining whether you can afford a new hire - or if your business is currently understaffed or overstaffed. For each full-time employee, your company should generate real revenue of 150 - 250 K So if you want a million dollar company, you can afford 4 - 6 employees.