A review by cindeereads
Golden by Michael Johnston, Melissa de la Cruz


I loved this book so much even if it had its moments when I just wanted it to end but things that were in the story made up for all that I still ended up loving it. I really loved the characters even more they just were so well written I still loved the romance even though it had its ups and downs but even after that I enjoyed the romance.
Spoiler with Nat trying to push Wes away to protect him because she thinks she will only hurt him
I loved the story it was well written even if there were a few things I did not like but those were developed where it was not bad and I stilled liked the story in the end. The plot moved along at a pretty good pace it had its ups and downs but it was still well written and I still ended up loving the story very much. So overall I loved the story even with its faults.