A review by simsbrarian
Doctor Who: Sleepers in the Dust by Arthur Darvill, Darren Jones


A really enjoyable one, this time told in the first person narrative by Rory and voiced by Arthur Darvill. There's some good Timey Whimey bits and we see the Nadurni again (who appeared in a previous audio story).

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory touch down on a planet Nadurniss which is under quarantine. A re-colonization survey team landed mere hours ago on the seemingly lifeless, barren word but have already begun to take ill. When Amy falls to the infection, the Doctor and Rory must work to save her using some smarts, some time travel, and some medical know-how. This was a good story, nicely plotted and Arthur Darvill reading this first-person Rory story really added to it. Like watching a good episode of the show.