A review by angielisle
Chronicler of the Undead by Mainak Dhar


An interesting spin on the zombie apocalypse as the story is set on the Chinese-Indian border (and Americans are rumored to be responsible for the creation of the zombies). The story is told through a journal kept following the rise of the zombies; this style of storytelling slows down the action-packed plot so that I'm not overwhelmed by a sequence of crazy events, though crazy events are certainly plentiful.

I'm not saying there isn't blood and guts in this book, but it's handled with a more tactful approach than what's usually seen in zombie-lore, used to illustrate the crazy events that happen. The plot isn't gore-themed but driven by the main character, Captain Maloy, a failed soldier before the zombies who turns hero afterwards, trying to keep a ragtag group of survivors alive. I wish the rest of the cast had been fleshed out as well as Captain Maloy, to help deliver the emotional impact at the end of the book,but the story, which I read in one sitting, kept me intrigued until I turned the last page.

I read this story in the collection, From Darkness Comes, and can't comment on the editing of an older version of the story but I had no issues with the version I read.