A review by cuocuo
Fiona's Luck by Teresa Bateman


I've got to hand it to Bateman and Murphy; I never thought I'd come out of a book about the Irish potato famine feeling inspired. But that's exactly what happened when I finished Fiona's Luck. As soon as I closed the book, I flipped it over to smile at the plucky heroine on the cover.

Reading a bit like the Irish equivalent of Rudyard Kipling's [b:Just So Stories|34053|Just So Stories|Rudyard Kipling|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1168481541s/34053.jpg|2475078], this book provides a (fictional) explanation for the devastating famine that gripped mid-nineteenth century Ireland, while also offering a lesson in how intelligence and determination can help overcome even the worst situations. Considering that Ireland often is portrayed negatively in popular culture, I'm delighted to have a good book to recommend. I'm almost looking forward to next St. Patrick's Day...