A review by ashleighbeanxo
Last Seen by Sara Shepard



Last Seen, the third and final book in the Amateurs series, picks up almost directly when Follow Me ends. An hour previously the gang had helped to find Instagram celebrity Chelsea, but have been unable to find former friend and serial killer Brett. As Seneca, Maddox and Maddison sit waiting on Aerin so they can continue the search for him, they receive a message from Brett, and soon discover that he has kidnapped Aerin!

Brett blackmails the gang: find the kidnapper of a young boy named Damien, a case which has gone cold a while ago, and he will let Aerin go unharmed. But can they trust his word? And why does he want this woman found?

This book started off a little weak, but like the other two books in the series, it goes from 0 to 100 real quick. The plot was fast-paced and I liked that we got to find out more about Brett and his backstory, while also seeing the gang try to solve another case and hunt him down.
SpoilerI liked that we got to see his reasoning why he killed people and we finally find out why he killed Seneca's mother. And it also seemed fitting that she was the person who took him down in the end. Oh, and he's finally in prison! Yay!

Really enjoyed this book and the series on a whole. Sad that it's over, but at least it finished on a high note and hasn't been dragged out over several more books.