A review by carryontam
A History of What Comes Next by Sylvain Neuvel


I enjoyed all of Sylvain Neuvel’s previous books so far, but for some reason, this book didn’t really have me as hooked as his other ones. Which is totally fine in my opinion. I still read it, and I might read the upcoming ones as well, simply to give these books a second chance and to get some answers to questions I still have. I don’t think it’s a bad book, it just wasn’t something I personally had that much fun reading. Usually, a book this long takes me 2-3 days, but this somehow took me a week.

I liked that the book had such short chapters and I liked the main idea of the story but for me, it was just kind of hard to read? Hard to keep up with what was happening. It was kind of flat somehow. The idea of the playlist is something I thought was really cool, but it’d have kind of been helpful if there would have been numbers of the years whenever a new chapter starts. Just as orientation. There was a few time skips, in which things happened that one had to somehow puzzle together to understand again. Which was also kinda all over the place sometimes?
The ‘further reading’ section was interesting to read and I am glad I did, knowing a few of these people really existed and there is indeed some truth to the story was honestly nice. Also seeing how much research it takes to write a book (like this) was impressing!
I’m not sure how to fully feel about the book, but I did like the ending, it made me curious to get answers to the questions I still have in mind.