A review by patchworkbunny
The Copper Promise by Jen Williams


Originally published as four novellas, The Copper Promise retains an episodic feel. There is an overall story arc but each stage of their adventure feels slightly partitioned. It's a good, fun read, even with the pacing niggles. There are dragons, near-death experiences, lost magic and plots aplenty.

It’s more about the adventures than character development. There are little glimpses into the inner turmoil beyond their facades, but they could have been fleshed out so much more. I hesitate to call it a romance, but when someone announces they feel a certain way about another, you would have hoped to have some sort of build-up. Instead, there's just not-so-subtle comments about their appearance. Maybe adventurers just have repressed emotions that they find difficult to share.

Having said that I loved the brood army and their slow transition from killing machines to individuals. I would have read a whole book from their perspective. There are some lovely little observations about words in their chapters, a few of which are echoed in Frith’s. Words are powerful things, they give us identity and power, if chosen wisely.

I did like the characters by the end, it was small things that endeared them to me but also their loyalty and friendship, despite them not showing it emotionally. Their actions speak louder than their words.

Review copy provided by publisher.