A review by gingerreader99
Empire's End by Chuck Wendig


Well I'll be... After the first novel in the series being a complete let down, Empire's End has finally made up for the mistakes and blunders of the first novel. Wendig has obviously listened to the feedback he has most likely seen and learned from it. I actually began to really care and take an interest in the characters of the trilogy as their lives intertwined with my favourite classic characters. Such as Mon Mothma, Wedge, Leia and Han( Who I think Wendig has actually done a great job of portraying these two in a married life and with newly born Ben, specifically Han having no clue how to be a dad). The interludes this time around were also quite interesting, specifically Lando's and the one including Jar Jar now a clown on the streets of Theed...(which is what we all secretly wanted). The ending easily sets up for countless more novels and leaves countless questions about the building of the First Order and finishes in a similar way to the first novel but this time it was not disappointing. Personally I would like to see more of Temmin Wexley as a young hot shot pilot and not so whiny kid(anymore) is a good building point for more stories before we see him as the man he becomes in the Force Awakens. All in All I think Empires End claws for its 5 stars and has earned them. I finished this book content and with no quarrels as I did the first and even the second. Well done Wendig, you have redeemed yourself.