A review by flaviathebibliophile
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney


I really enjoyed the art in Guess How Much I Love You, but feel as if the message escaped me a little. Since my sister and I don’t have any children, I read it out loud to her new puppy, and we definitely had a few laughs. So, I definitely think that this would definitely be an entertaining read for children and adults because of the wording, the actions, and the colours. The young boy rabbit in this book tries to show his father how much he loves him through actions, and I found this to be very cute. The father rabbit repeats the actions, and due to his size and strength, is evidently a lot better at said actions. Yes, I found it sweet that the father rabbit is trying to tell his son that he loves him more, and that he could have been showing his son what he could grow up to one day accomplish, but, at the same time, the father rabbit also felt a little show-offy to me. That is probably just me overthinking things, though. You should find out for yourself how you feel about this father-son relationship (and let me know what you think)!