A review by caedocyon
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance by Lois McMaster Bujold


Not bad, but not one of my favorites. (As Sam said, the pacing was a little off.) I liked the further insight into Illyan's retirement, and learning more about how Ivan survives having to work with people like Miles and Illyan. Still not that interested by Ivan as a character, though pointing out that he has basically been next in line for the throne Imperial camp stool all along sheds a very interesting new light on him and his place in the world. More tidbits of Barrayaran history and culture were very fun if you're a fan of the series.

Oh, and Grandma was great: expert biologist/geneticist, and ever so slightly off her rocker.

BTW I'm not sure this belongs in the book review, but the cover art is a travesty, even by sci-fi standards. I've seen the original cover painting, and it's actually fantastic---I have no idea why someone thought it needed inch-and-a-half high letters covering 75% of it. And the back cover... oh, god. It's a badly composed and badly executed painting of Ivan with the two main female characters in their underwear---because boobies, I guess? I'm in the habit of setting down my... lighter reading... on its front cover when in public, but every time I did that I blanched and flipped it over. Eughhhh.