A review by icfasntw
Smax by Zander Cannon, Alan Moore, Andrew Currie


QUICK PITCH: Your Dungeon Master, a [a:Terry Pratchett|1654|Terry Pratchett|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1235562205p2/1654.jpg] fan, has finally carried out her dream of setting a campaign in the Discworld.

VERDICT: Smax is something weird and strange. Toybox and Jeff Smax are familiar from [b:Top 10, Vol. 1|598638|Top 10, Vol. 1|Alan Moore|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350404063s/598638.jpg|155658], but the switch from cop show to quest story was disorienting. The artist switch helped, but it took me a while.

After I'd adjusted to the new surroundings, the quest story crackled along nicely. Alan Moore's weirdness with women took me out of things a bit, but overall I was happy I'd read the book.