A review by jmatkinson1
I Saw A Man by Owen Sheers


Michael has moved to Hampstead in London following the death of his wife Caroline. Caroline, a reporter, was killed by a US drone strike in Pakistan and Michael has found it difficult to move on in his life. He makes friends with Josh and Samantha, the couple who live next door to him with their two daughters. After a tragic accident no-one's life is the same.

I don't really want to spoil the plot of this book because it pivots on a single incident and the effects of that as they spread around the characters. All I can say is that as a novel about loss and suffering, about guilt and secrets and the difficulty of redemption, this is a masterful book. It's not a particularly long book nor is the prose complex but it is clear that Sheers' ability to write poetry is an asset in writing this type of prose. It's probably one of the best books I have read this year.