A review by hyperashley
Forgotten by Samie Sands


This is the second book in the Am13 series. I liked the first one so I thought I would enjoy this one as much but unfortunately I did not. It was really difficult for me to get into this one and to stay focused on what I was reading. I normally love the whole apocalyptic, zombie thing but this one just didn't do it for me. Lockdown is book one and it is the beginning of the spread of the zombie virus.

First of all there some contradictions that annoyed me in this book. Mainly the zombies, they are supposed to be mindless killing machines but they weren't. At least all of them were not because when it was from a zombies POV they were not mindless. So did all zombies have thoughts or just the one that I got to know?

I love how simple the zombies are though, I feel like so many books try to be so complicated. I like when it's just simple "mindless" zombies. Sometimes you want a more classic style zombie apocalypse and this book delivered that.

Alyssa was what I pictured myself to be during a zombie apocalypse. She is the girl that has watched many zombie movies and tv shows and thinks she is prepared. Just as I kind of do though I have a feeling I'll have a rude awakening if that ever happens. Ethan and his OCD is another very believable character. I think it's because he had such a real thing going on with him. Dr. Jones was freaking amazing and I wanted more of him. I thought he had the most interesting parts and made me want to keep reading.

I still really like this series even though it lost a little of my interest in this one.