A review by ld277
It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini


When first getting into the book, I was pretty indifferent (although having heard about it a lot) and didn't form an opinion until for like the first ... 80-ish pages? the more it progressed the more stuff I found that made me upset and uncomfortable. I'm not talking about the overall topic and how triggering it is, but more of the portrayal of Craig and how annoying and bigoted he actually sounded throughout the whole story. His physical descriptions of people (some rather racist remarks tbh) and his description of other people's issues made him look like a whole ass ignorant moron (queue sexist, homophobic and transphobic remarks). For some reason thinking that all those other people's difficulties were ridiculous, although he never flatout says it. And I know the author wanted to highlight the fact that he's only 15, but trust me, not all 15-year old boys think about that /one/ thing only. At least not that excessively geez. And the over-the-top sexualization of minors (including comments from grownups) makes this even more uncomfortable to read, to be honest.

Not long after starting to read this, I found out about what happened to the author. And disliking the story made me feel guilty, because I felt bad hating so many parts of this. But then I realized that's kinda dumb, because opinions and receptions differ and trying to censor myself bc of what happened to him is just stupid too.

All in all, I was disappointed and it really left a sour taste.