A review by lissherondale
Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare



• Cast Long Shadows: 5 stars
• Every exquisite thing: 4.5 stars
• Learn about Loss: 4 stars *4.5 for the last two pages*
• A deeper love: 5 full stars
• The Wicked Ones: 5 full stars
• Son of the Dawn: 4.5 stars
• The Land I lost: 5 full stars
• Through blood, through fire: 4 stars
• The Lost World: 4 stars
• Forever Fallen: 4.5 stars

When I picked up this book I didn't knew it was staring Jem. What a nice surprise!

Of the three book we have about short stories this is by far the best one! It's very important to read this book after reading Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices Book 3) and after The Red Scrolls of Magic Book 1 of The Eldest Curses, and yes definitle before Chain of Gold. because there is so much information and spoilers about everything.

Yes it doesn't tell major spoilers for Chain of Gold it just prepares you for you can understand more about those characters.

I must say this book was like Will Herondale's devotion, I can't complain! I loved how Jem loved, fought, and missed his parabati, his wife and his friends.

Through all the book we could see several important charaters and some passing characters that really caught my eye. One of them is Celine Montclair, a beautiful, broken and suffering girl naive but strong and smart, we could see and learn more about the Circle and their members and oh boyyyy I want moreee, I want a whole serie about The Cirle!! We must have it!

The other one was Rosemary Herondale, such a strong and badass woman. Sad ending that she had. But it was so nice to know now her whole story.

Alec and Rafe! One of my favorites stories! It was the longest and one of the best ones. Such a beautiful story and we could see a more determined Alec to become a leader a Consul. I loved it.

Ty and Livvie, Janus and Ash, the two last stories didn't felt like an ending, more like a begining. Definitly Cassandra Clare is preparing for this whole new series staring Kit and Ty, it just broke my heart that after everything, Clary and Jace can be hurt, I hope not and I hope none of the kids do.

We don't have any date for these new series but hell it will be a wreak havoc. So far we have 3 villains coming up: The fairys after Kit, the Cohort after Emma and the new Clave, and Janus after our love ones. Dammnnn is coming hard.

Also!! VERY IMPORTANT, I notice some facts sometimes people will tell that something happen in 1903 or 1904 which is the perior that Chain of Gold is setting. We know now that Lily Chen will appear ing Chain og Gold and that someone is send to he Scholomanance. Oh boy those are the Easter Eggs we will know soon what was about.