A review by rayyan3
The Alchemaster's Apprentice: A Novel by Walter Moers, Walter Moers


Walter Moers write great fantasy with never-ending descriptions that transport you into a different world (Zamonia). However, his commitment to describing every single detail can detract from the actual story and I found myself skipping over paragraphs upon paragraphs that intricately describe mundane things such as everything that the Alchemaster made for Echo's meals (which sometimes extends into half a page or more of descriptions).
It is a very slow book and takes forever to actually get into the meat of the story-- I could do with a much shorter preamble that was more gripping. It took me SO long to finish this because it wasn't the type of book that you couldn't put down, it was the kind of book you had to force yourself to pick up so you could find out how it ends. I would try to read it in bed every night but found myself falling asleep after 5 pages every night just waiting for the actual story to begin.
Once you get to the actual story of Echo's fate and how he plans to escape it picks up a little, but it still isn't entirely gripping.