A review by jerseygrrrl
Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn


This was an interesting one for me. Initially, I couldn't understand why were were spending so much time on Enid's backstory. I found it dull and unrelated to the present day events, which were more interesting. About halfway through the book, however, it clicked. Suddenly, I was turning pages and unable to stop reading. In the end, I liked the book much more than I thought I would.

There were a few issues that linger:

- We're never given much insight into Enid's anger. Is it simply her personality? Is it something she developed at a particular time?
- The book blurb talks about Enid's investigation displaying cracks in the whole Coast Road system. It didn't do that. In fact, I though the Coast Road system was a pretty good solution to a civilization rebuilding after collapse.
- I thought the foray into the ruins would be a turning point in the story. It was
Spoilerin terms of Dak's & Enid's relationship
. But it wasn't in terms of significance to the social order.
- There have to be ways of describing people of color's skin tone without resorting to "nut-colored." I swear: every character in the book who wasn't white had nut-colored skin.

So, some issues. But a good, solid read.

[One note: I read this right after NK Jemisin's The Stone Sky. Any book I read after that one is sure to suffer in comparison. I wonder if I would have been more excited about this book if I had read it in a month.]