A review by geo_ix
Sweet Ruin by Kresley Cole


I loved it! It comes in second after Carrow and Malkolm, mainly because the dirty talk coming form Rune is bloody stellar! I will admit, this may be off putting to some, because he does have sex with other people (here nymphs) during this book and she stumbles upon them (it's how they meet) and I know some readers don't like seeing the hero with someone else, but that doesn't phase me personally. He also nearly has sex with someone AFTER they mate. So keep this in mind if it's not something you like.

I LOVED that the Dacian's are reintroduced FINALLY news of them. There was mention of a female Dacian in New Orleans who has the vampire plague, and the brother of the primordial hell's King guy (the big huge fucker who died second last in the trials for Betina) is shown here as a morior who is now taking his place after his death and going through the change to the hellish creature. If I'm correct he was also the one looking for a fey with two different colour eyes so maybe we will see more of him.

As for the morior I'm not feeling villain vibes. More that they're doing their job hunting nyx because she's speeding up the ascension and its heir job to make sure things run smoothly so that goes against that. But Orion and nyx must know each other if he's not pissed she wasn't dead. This book was definitely to give more clues for future books, like a filler to inform and put people in the right places, but the book was great, I really loved it