A review by booksavvyreviews
When a Wolf Is Hungry by Christine Naumann-Villemin


After reading Der Struwwelpeter, a German copy that my friend had loaned me, it makes any of those books that may seem a little harsh for children look like Sesame Street.

In this book the Big Bad Wolf has a hankering for a city rabbit, so he begins his wily coyote plan to get just that. Yes, he wants to eat the rabbit and not sit down to drink tea with him, because the last time I checked wolves did eat meat. While this may come shocking to you or children it's prime time to explain what wolves eat - in fact - my 6-year-old son was asking what a wolf actually ate, which I replied yes, honey, they do eat rabbits. They're meat eaters.

Big Bad endures a lot of trials on his way to eat this rabbit, something keeps popping up and delaying him until the end, when everything comes together and he, the lonely wolf, is accepted amongst everyone. He swears off meat because he can't bring himself to eat any of his new friends. This may come across as confusing, but again I don't mind having a discussion period with my children after I read. My 6-year-old is a big book worm and enjoys discussions and questions after reading.

I thought it was a cute read. Plus the illustrations were great.

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