A review by toodlebean
Watering the Soul by Courtney Peppernell


Thank you to Netgalley and Andrews McMeel for providing an eARC for review.

I am new to poetry, as in I don't read poetry at all so my opinions are based purely on this single experience. As a bookseller I found myself replenishing Peppernell books on a regular basis and I was always intrigued. Finding an eArc of Watering the Soul was the perfect opportunity to explore my curiosity.

Watering the Soul focuses heavily on themes on forgiveness, gratitude, love, self-worth and healing. Peppernell reminds us to enjoy the little moments and to slow down. Some pages explicitly mention anxiety or allude to depression and dark thoughts but the messages are light and uplifting.

As a reader with both clinical depression and GAD I found some of the messages particularly memorable. Page 151 was the most impactful to me and I'll likely refer back to it again as a reminder.