A review by karinrg
The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy McClure


I loved this book. I read the Little House books as a child and have remained a fan all my life. I've collected books and dreamed of visiting all the different LIW places, do this book allowed me to live vicariously in a way.

But what really got me was near the end when the author talks about how Laura wrote about continuing to be Laura even without her family and how the author wondered how she could go on being herself without her mother. Having lost both of my parents - my father fairly recently - this paragraph really spoke to me and touched me. How do you go on being you without the family who was there as you grew up? How do I go on being me without my parents? The answer is you just do. And you don't. Because you'll never be that person again, but that person is still very much a part of you. And always will be.

Thank you, Wendy McClure, for so beautifully putting into words something I needed to understand and come to terms with.