A review by thisamtheplace
Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again: Women and Desire in the Age of Consent by Katherine Angel



This was just okay. I went into this unsure what specifically it was aiming to do and came out of it feeling the exact same way. Whilst there are a few interesting ideas in here, nothing was very new or well developed, with the text mostly just citing what other people had found or discussed. It was also very limited in scope, focusing on just heterosexual and cis contexts (which feels dated for a book so recently published). Whilst Angel acknowledges that she won’t be touching on queer relationships because it’s not her place, she does reference (though tacitly and in absolutely no detail) the difference of experience for people of colour. I don’t understand why the same couldn’t be done for queer experiences and also why either perspective couldn’t be fleshed out more, drawing on the work of queer theorists and theorists who are black / people of colour, with some additional analysis to pull it together. But then again it all felt like a loose collection of bits to do with desire and consent, rather than a piece with any intent / driving force / framing subject of analysis. 

Finally, I was certainly expecting something a bit more radical and challenging as a text published by verso. I feel like it is obvious that views of ‘progressive’ white feminists are going to be limited / fraught and should be challenged…? Hence, I just don’t understand the point of this at all. But still, despite all this, there were some interesting ideas and references I will be coming back to.